101 days.

So I guess my 'personal feeling' of it will die out in a month was quite off.

It's now been a 101 days since we've been limited to our homes. That's more than a whole quarter. The markets have done some interesting things, the toilet paper frenzy is officially over, the zoom calls have somewhat seized, the banana bread making which paved it's way to sourdough making is now back to pre-covid times. And I think to an extent, we are all getting comfortable with this lifestyle, especially those of us who are able to comfortably work from home.

A good thing to come out of the 'stay at home' is an affirmation that I married the right guy. We haven't combusted completely, we spend tons of time together, we celebrated our anniversary with a lot of style (converting our living room into a huge pillow fort, watching movies, eating cake, drinking champagne and of course popcorn). In my partner's memorable words - "there is a lot more cake to eat when you don't have to split it with people".It's nice to know this without going through the other real test (I'm talking about kids obv).

 Of course some other major things have happened in the last two months in the US. The black lives matter movement gained full steam after a series of brutal killings of innocent people by the police. It has once again brought to the forefront the importance of anti racism, it's no longer enough to not be a racist if you are not actively working to end it. Which is how it probably should have been. But we live in a less than ideal world. The revolution that came with the protests although is a watershed moment, and should feel hopeful - I can't help but feel cynical about it. Part of me feels like this will be overshadowed in a few weeks by something else that happens globally and the difficult conversations will come to a stop and we will go back accepting things the way they are. Because it is extremely exhausting to keep fighting the good fight. Ask any one who cares about anything - feminists, climate change activists or just any black person living in a white dominant country.

There was also a few celebrity deaths in the last few months, and that loss has lingered on longer than anyone would have thought. There is so much pessimism in the air around us, that you have to go out of your way to seek comfort. I went back to reading and then watching (with a friend) the harry potter movies, and re-watching schitt's creek to seek something that won't surprise me. It is too much energy to engage in new tv shows and new characters.

I did finally start a podcast with a friend, because that's what millennials do now. We made a conscious decision to talk about trivial/frivolous stuff so that those who want to take a break from all the heaviness have somewhere to go to. We talk about hobbies, make up, love and other fun things like that. So if you want to hear two friends gabbing about nothing, click here (I will add the link to them once we actually publish them). Our goal is to at least record 10 before we start releasing them.

I guess this is it for now, keep wearing those masks, and don't step out if you can help it.


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