Outside my window.

A september to remember, an october full of splendour and a november to treasure. It's nature's way of showing us that everything is beautiful even as it is dying.

By every measure autumn is my favorite season of the year. I do prefer to call it fall of course, because my first experience with it was in the US, therefore fall it is. It springs on you one morning in a cute little way when 5 leaves on the tree in your driveway will have turned pink. And then bam! ten days later the whole tree is pink and orange and a wonderful bit yellow. You can never get enough of this season either, the fantastic things that happen to the leaves never gets old.

It's also when all the wonderful things happen. Oktoberfest, halloween, diwali, birthdays, bonfires, apple picking, apple pies, pumpkin pies and everything in between. Every leaf is now a flower, it's like a grand finale of the year.

Outside my window, the leaves are changing, the sunset is even changing, it's too cold to lay in the hammock and yet so inviting. Maybe it's time for us to change too. To let go of all the bad things we picked up this year, to let go of all the negative emotions we let harbor inside of us, the secret smoking, the not so secret over eating, the resisting and the fighting. It's that time of the year that we also forgive ourselves for all the mistakes we have made, for next year we have a whole new set of screw ups waiting for us.


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