Finding my Silver Lining

While I am hoping with all my heart that 2014 is nothing like last year, because I had a consistently terrible year. I am going to list out all the good things that happened to me. 

To start with, in January, I befriended two really amazing people. Very unintentionally we grew to like our company a lot and I can spend time with them even when they are a couple and totally not get awkward. And also both of them separately. 

I also went on some amazing trips with old friends which were all in their own right nothing short of legendary. 

I think I had my heart broken for the first time and then a couple more times in the first half of the year, and this is a silver lining because it proves I have one, contrary to my assumptions. Thanks to this, I am more in touch with my emotions. 

I made more friends with whom I instantly bonded and I think I’ll be friends with them forever. Effortlessly we are a part of each other’s lives and it’s fantastic. 

I started working on my next big life project, which may or may not become a thing (therefore the ambiguity) but regardless will be important for me.

I had some mind blowing, intense conversations with my parents about deep life choices and philosophy which I never thought I would. Thanks to this we understand each other a little more now. 

More than six of my really close friends are either married or have found the one for themselves.  This is exciting because obviously yay! and secondly because it gives me hope that I can’t be far behind. 

I also made a major life decision which may or may not affect me in the long run. But making it has been the hardest thing I have done all year. this makes me feel really grown up. 

Towards the end of the year, I was able to reconnect and play catch up with two friends who I had grown up in a way with. We bonded over all kinds of random things and it made me happy that some friendships can always be revived however long it’s been since the last time you talked properly. These people sometimes feel like an extension of your own family sometimes, because they have been there and see you go through everything. 

So even if my blog about the crappy things would be twice as long as this, I am still grateful and thankful for the little things that kept picking me up along the way. The truth is however cheesy and childish and movie like it may sound, it is up to you to find the best in the worst.


  1. Your optimism is catching Tanya :)........Your way helps because its my way too. In the face of adversity, I find counting my blessings tends to put things in perspective too. Let's hope 2014 will bring better tidings for all.


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