Just keep swimming.

There are two peaks of success, one is which you think is the top, the other is the actual top.

I went hiking this weekend, conquered the Angel’s Landing in Zion’s national park, so naturally I am going to blog about it. Because hiking is the same as living your life successfully.

The journey upwards is very hard and very painful. There are no two ways about it. It takes time - more than you thought, and effort – much more than you planned and persistence – more than you can imagine. But you already knew this, what it also needs is a rock or anchor- to ground you as well as a strong and sturdy rope/chain to hang on to – just in case. And a peak, that may very well be a mirage but something that you are chasing.

You need the rock, so it reminds you to stay true to yourself. It reminds you to be humble and down-to-earth, because on your way up – your head can get full of giddy ideas and images that are just a distraction. Because if you are bragging about starting at the bottom and making it to the top, you are probably still closer to the bottom. The anchor can be someone who trusts you and has faith in your abilities, but will not hesitate to tell you that you are making a total jackass of yourself.  As the famous lesson goes, bullshit can get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there -> (http://inspiringtechie.blogspot.com/2011/10/management-lesson-2-bullshit-might-get.html).

You need a steady rope or a strong chain – so you can hang on to it, when you can’t find a foothold. This is an unwavering support that will back you no matter what. Sometimes you just need it to steady yourself, to get comfortable in your spot. This may be useful when the going gets tough, and believe me it will get tough. In fact, just when you think it can’t get worse, it does. It will get hot, and sticky and sweaty, and you will be beat by the universe and only you can stand back up. Drink some water and just keep swimming.

And you need a solid determination, a peak that you are looking at, to get to the top. Funny thing about the top is that, you may get there and realize you have just reached the foothills. After all the foothill is a great deal above sea level, yet the lowest point of the hill. Someone tweeted this and I believe it to be true – talent hits target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one else can see. And the real journey only starts at the foothills. This is when you really need confidence. And the secret to confidence is that you can fake it. You can absorb it from all around you and you fake it till you make it, because no one can tell the difference.

There will be times when you will ask yourself why you are doing this, if it’s even worth it, if this is something you want. Of course you will have moments when you overcome a great hurdle, and feel that you have made it – but look really hard, that may just be a stepping stone. You also need to know, that the top is very lonely – very few people make it to the top. The top may also not be for everyone. You may have made it there and realize that you are by yourself. Therefore it is important to know who you take up with you. And how you behave with people you meet on your way up, because you will most definitely meet them on your way down (if that happens).

Pictured below – the top. Of Angel’s Landing. This is the top for someone else though, I still have my eyes facing upwards. 


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