the best part of life : College.

Having never come to WV before, I was in for a surprise when I arrived here on 08/08/08(I'm pretty sure that's and auspicious date in some culture). Being the person I am, I wasn't scared or homesick, but I was definitely excited about college to start, and all the wonderful things people talk about, that happen in college. I joined international students org, my first semester, and was introduced to many amazing people, who I have had the opportunity to work with. It was the easiest way of transitioning, meeting people from countries I had only heard about before in beauty pageants. 

I was also living in the dorm for the first time, doing my own laundry and sometimes cooking was quite a challenge (that’s when you start appreciating your mom for EVERYTHING). Learning to learn all new sports, as the two that I follow (cricket and soccer) are not played here, was part of the process. I remember the first game of the season was vs. Marshall in 08 (obviously I didnt go to that), as I didn’t really care much about football back then(really i did not give a cent). I remember how I walked out of my dorm at around noon and the whole city was just deserted. I thought I was in a movie, with a city under some alien attack. There was literally not a single person anywhere. Of course I went to the next game after that, quickly learnt all the traditions, fell in love with the sport because of the team spirit and went to every other game that year. 

I loved everything about WVU, learnt why the education system here is the best. It was definitely different, but absolutely worth it. I had the most helpful professors, RAs and RFLs. It was the first time I used a SCANTRON, and I was like really? really? All these years of writing essay type answers(i hate you CBSE), and this is how easy college is? Of course I quickly realized multiple choice is not always cake. What I loved about coming to college here, was how accommodating professors are. They are so helpful, always available outside of class, whether for help in the subject, or just advice on life, they are just so genuinely interested in what you do.  I am glad to say I can look back and say I’m lucky to have met some people and can call them my mentors. I mean I'm talking ex-CEOs and real lawyers and people who worked with OBAMA and all that, its very neat.

I also had the opportunity to start working for the college radio, U92, on the promotions team, from my second semester. That was one of the best learning experiences I have had in college. I learnt a great deal about American sports(i still don't have a clue compared to the freaks who work here), journalism and met people, there was no way I would have met otherwise. It was unthinkable how different I was to them, yet how I still made some of my best friends there. I did eventually get promoted to be the promotions director, which sounds awesome-er that it really was. but it was still pretty legit. 

Another part of college that I will take with me wherever I go, is working with and for the Indian students association and African students association. As president for one and vice president for the other, I can’t say which was more fun. The love I received from both was immense. I will also take with me some experiences without which the college experience would be incomplete. I have developed skills to polish my personality, to think before I speak and act. These are some life skills I will always take with me wherever I go. 

Coming to my last semester as an undergrad, I just wanted to live in slow motion, savor every day and enjoy every moment. The feeling of graduating is bittersweet, I am excited about the great job I have in front of me, but cannot believe it is in UTAH. Cannot believe it’s going to take 2 days for me to get here and that I probably won’t be able to make impromptu trips to come ‘home’. I am going to miss all my friends I leave behind here, but thank god for FACEBOOK, and SKYPE. :). the biggest piece of this thank you note obviously goes to all my friends, without whom I would not have made it so successfully.
I can say one thing for sure, on my way to work, there will only be one track that plays everyday – take me home, country roads. 

Lets GOOO.

 p.s. there will be a follow up blog on my friends that i will miss, all the places i dont know how im going to live without and some more. 


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