Because I don’t need anyone else to tell me that my fajita burrito is perfection. While a lot of activities are more enjoyable when shared, food fortunately is not one of them. You could have a meal in the presence of others, but their presence has nothing to do with how good my food will taste or how much I will enjoy it. I love that if I wanted to I could walk into a restaurant and order two appetizers, a soup and a drink, a main and more sides, because I’m gluttony personified. I like to take that hour of the day to disconnect from social pressure of making conversation or even listening to anyone else. Even as an extrovert, sometimes you need a minute to recharge and food does exactly that. To reflect on your own thoughts and read that book, or brainstorm on that really backdated blog. Eating alone sometimes gets a bad rep, but take it from someone who is reasonably attractive and could get a date every day for a year for every meal, there is nothing sad about it. I...